Our Partners

Suppliers and service providers

schlaeger is a company known for its very high flexibility in production. To ensure that we can continue to deliver this level of flexibility in the long run, we have partnered up with other experts who are just as flexible as we are. Reliability, on-time delivery and high quality are other key factors in collaboration with our suppliers.

Capital goods

We always invest in technology, and have even developed our own strategy for this to make systematic make-or-buy decisions and select the best specialists. Most of our products and therefore our machines have a very long service life, so projects of this nature also lead to long-term partnerships.

Suppliers appreciate schlaeger because process expertise and technical understanding are a matter of course for us. The same small, dedicated team is responsible throughout the entire project at schlaeger. This prevents project transfers and thus information gaps between large departments.

Do you have a special technology that you would like to offer schlaeger? Go to contact form


Production materials and parts

We are involved in long-term partnerships together with our suppliers for production materials and parts. schlaeger integrates them early in projects and ensures that supplier planning is done with foresight. We expect our suppliers to be open to suggestions for improvement and for them to take the appropriate measures together with us as needed.

Do you have special parts or materials that you would like to offer schlaeger? Go to contact form



schlaeger works together with external service providers to offer validation, measurement technology, cleaning, fire protection and work safety services, to name just a few. If we can’t do it ourself, we rely on our external network.


schlaeger began collaborating with Fraunhofer in 2008, the largest organization for applied research in Europe. Fraunhofer’s research fields are based on the needs of people: health, safety, communication, mobility, energy and the environment. The researchers are creative, shape technology, design products and enhance processes.


schlaeger takes advantage of this by participating in Fraunhofer seminars and training courses. We even actively participated in the European M4E Resource Efficiency project. What’s more, we have Fraunhofer researchers evaluate us to determine our strengths and areas with hidden potential. We are not afraid to get external feedback because this is the only way we can continue to make improvements.

schlaeger supports the MyPlastics apprenticeship campaign to inform young adults at schools about careers and training opportunities at regional companies that serve the plastics industry. In addition, the project assists training companies in finding suitable apprentices. The result is a training network that aims to create synergies by tapping the potential and expertise of individual companies throughout the region and bundling resources.


This collaboration and experience exchange facilitates companies in creating new training concepts. Good public relations work on the topic of “careers in the world of plastics” is important to schlaeger, which is why we provide MyPlastics with rooms, send our own employees to training courses and organize a joint event for apprentices every year – to name just a few ways we support the campaign. We also regularly host excursions to schlaeger.

Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH (New Materials Bayreuth – NMB) is a research institute that develops new materials and processing methods for plastics, metals and fiber-reinforced composites for use in lightweight construction. In addition, NMB searches for solutions to optimize existing materials and production processes. But schlaeger also benefits from the competence center’s bundled expertise: We have been taking advantage of its testing capacity for validation and tests for many years now.


Gemeinsam mit der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) Mosbach schafft schlaeger die ideale Verknüpfung aus Theorie und Praxis für zukünftige Ingenieure. Das „duale Original“ liefert ein Studium auf Hochschulniveau. Bei schlaeger erlernen die Studierenden handwerkliche Fähigkeiten und arbeiten in unterschiedlichen Bereichen des Unternehmens aktiv mit. So können sie ganz gezielt auf spätere Aufgaben vorbereitet werden – schließlich bilden wir für uns selbst aus. Nach nur drei Jahren haben die Nachwuchskräfte ihren Bachelor of Engineering (m/w) im Studiengang Maschinenbau in der Tasche.

schlaeger is a member of Kunststoff-Netzwerk Franken e.V. (KNF), an association founded in 2003 that promotes networking in the plastics industry. The association aims to create synergies by tapping the potential and expertise of individual companies throughout the region and bundling resources to drive innovation through collaboration and experience exchange. But more than that, it also offers companies a platform to share their expertise and find common solutions to what are often very similar problems. schlaeger participates regularly in working groups like energy and work safety committees as well as in meetings of managing directors.

The Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Upper Franconia Bayreuth (Industrie- und Handelskammer für Oberfranken Bayreuth – IHK) has a mission to address local interests and aspects in the chamber’s work and represent these together with the voice of business in its bodies. The committees are very independent and active in representing the interests of business to local government, politics and social groups. Their work focuses on specific needs such as those pertaining to transportation issues, location marketing or even training problems. schlaeger is involved in the IHK committee. We have already held speeches and presentations in the past, for example on the topic of “energy efficiency”.

Education is the most important competitive factor that we have in Germany. This makes cooperation between schools and businesses of central importance. As a network that brings together schools and businesses, Netzwerk SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT is a competent partner with many years of experience in this field. The companies involved are aware of the benefits of this collaboration. The network is active in a variety of areas: Economic experts take part in classes, seminar programs are offered for teachers, school students get to visit and take tours of companies, internships are organized and school directors can get coaching. schlaeger is an active member in this network and organizes school excursions to get students excited about technology.

We are a member of the university club and organize annual excursions for the University of Bayreuth’s Faculty of Engineering (FAN). Both schlaeger and FAN place great emphasis on promoting ties between science and industry. Research doesn’t just happen as part of university projects, but always – and most effectively – in collaboration with others. This ensures that expertise doesn’t remain in professional circles only, but rather that it can quickly be applied by users and translated into products.



Uns überzeugt das Konzept der ‚Heroes of Tomorrow’ und wir engagieren uns gerne mit unserem ‚Drive’ für die respektablen und zukunftsorientierten Ziele. Auch schlaeger will jungen, talentierten Menschen eine Chance geben, sich in einem attraktiven Arbeitsumfeld zu entwickeln. So ist es richtig, die Arbeitgebermarke schlaeger beim Basketball-Erstligisten medi Bayreuth zu präsentieren und dessen Arbeit zu unterstützen.


Geschäftsführer Anton Fuchs

Mit dem Engagement für die Basketballer von medi Bayreuth sind wir stolzer Partner einer Mannschaft der 1. Basketball-Bundesliga. Hier trifft sportliche Höchstleistung auf die Profis aus dem Bereich mechatronischer Lösungen für Aktorik und Sensorik.


Mit der Förderung junger Talente und ihrer Vereine möchten wir Bayreuth auch auf dem Rasen voranbringen. Wir wollen aufzeigen, dass der berufliche Nachwuchs bei schlaeger auf einen Arbeitgeber mit vielseitigen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten trifft.


Ulrich Küchler, Geschäftsführer

Besonders gerne engagiert sich schlaeger im Bereich Sport. Denn im Sport trifft Dynamik auf Teamgeist und leistungsstarker Einsatz liefert Erfolge – genau wie bei uns! Die Unterstützung des Traditionsvereins im Fußball, der Spielvereinigung Oberfranken Bayreuth – im Volksmund auch liebevoll als „Oldschdod“ bezeichnet, der seit 1921 den Ball in der Region in Bewegung hält, ist für uns da eine sinnvolle Partnerschaft.

Bei der Finanzierung der LEBENSRETTER-FABRIK hat schlaeger das Bayerische Rote Kreuz / Bayreuth 2016 tatkräftig unterstützt. Bei der LEBENSRETTER-FABRIK handelt es sich um ein bayernweit einmaliges, modernes Schulungszentrum für die Erste-Hilfe-Ausbildung, das für die lebensrettenden Lehrgänge die besten Bedingungen schafft. Der neue Tagungsraum bietet ein großzügiges Platzangebot für die theoretische Lernstoffvermittlung und das praktische Training. Moderne interaktive Medien unterstützen den Unterricht. Am Dienstag, 29. November 2016, feierte der BRK Kreisverband Bayreuth die Eröffnung.


Thanks to financial support from schlaeger, the Elefant Racing Team has earned a spot in the tough Formula Student competition. An excellent relationship quickly developed that is still marked by regular meetings. Experience exchange with schlaeger is a valuable asset to us. We look forward to many more years of excellent cooperation.


Team Elefant Racing Bayreuth

Elefant Racing

schlaeger has been a proud sponsor of Elefant Racing Bayreuth, the Formula Student team from the University of Bayreuth, since 2005. Elefant Racing focuses on design engineering, development and production of racing cars for the Formula SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) international design engineering competition. We share knowledge and experience as part of visits during the development stage and search for the best solution together.

We donate money and toys on a regular basis to kindergartens in Bayreuth and Bindlach. We also give schlaeger soccer balls to kindergartens and soccer clubs suggested by our employees to promote sports

The Bayreuth city library (Stadtbibliothek Bayreuth), known affectionately as “RW21”, is a media center for those who love books, literature, music and movies. It is an indispensable part of the municipal services offered by the city of Bayreuth, so it only makes sense that schlaeger has been a supporter of RW21 since its founding. We make donations on a regular basis to help the library purchase books and media. And it is particularly important to us here that they are available in different languages and in bilingual formats.

schlaeger sponsored the HistoKids book project organized by a group of students in Bayreuth. The project resulted in a book called “Leon und der steinerne Wächter – Eine magische Reise durch Richard Wagners Opernwelt”, a German-language book for kids ages 8 and up that introduces them to the world of Richard Wagner’s opera in a fun and entertaining way. This is the first HistoKids book project.

The Deutschlandstipendium (Germany Scholarship) program stands for supporting top students with a broad approach. The basic idea is to provide support regardless of income background. The scholarship is very well received by business. Major corporations, numerous SMEs and even private individuals assist students through the Deutschlandstipendium program. schlaeger has been a member for the last three years, offering excursions to scholarship participants. As a sponsor, we promote the education and training of top professionals and young scientists. It’s an important contribution to Germany’s future as a location for knowledge-based companies.

Mit unserer Unterstützung konnte die Kinderhilfe Eckental „Trösterteddys“ für kranke Kinder aus der Region anschaffen. Die kuscheligen Plüschbären lenken die kleinen Patienten von Untersuchungen und Behandlungen ab – später dürfen die Kinder sie dann mit nach Hause nehmen.

Auch die „Klinik-Clowns“ der Kinderhilfe erleichtern einen Krankenhausaufenthalt. Als professionelle und speziell ausgebildete Künstler arbeiten sie eng mit dem Pflegepersonal zusammen, um den Heilungsprozess der Kinder zu fördern. Eine willkommene Abwechslung sind sie auf jeden Fall!

schlaeger unterstützt die Ausstellung der Kirchen und Religionen auf der Landesgartenschau 2016 in Bayreuth, die an verschiedenen Stationen den Lebensweg des Menschen nachzeichnet. Wir sponsern speziell die Station „Thema mit Variationen“, an der es um junge Erwachsene und eine Zeit der Orientierung und der Entscheidungen geht.